Welcome to nixCats!

If you are new to nixCats, check out the installation documentation!

The nixCats.utils set is the entire interface of nixCats.

It requires no dependencies, or arguments to access this set.

Most importantly it exports the main builder function, utils.baseBuilder.

The flake and expression based templates show how to call this function directly, and use some of the other functions in this set to construct various flake outputs.

The modules use the main builder function internally and install the result.

It also contains the functions for creating modules, along with various other utilities for working with the nix side of Neovim or nixCats that you may want to use.

nixCats.utils set documentation


utils.baseBuilder is the main builder function of nixCats.


luaPath (path or stringWithContext)

STORE PATH to your ~/.config/nvim replacement.

pkgsParams (AttrSet)

set of items for building the pkgs that builds your neovim.

accepted attributes are:

categoryDefinitions (functionTo AttrSet)

type: function that returns set of sets of categories of dependencies. Called with the contents of the current package definition as arguments

{ pkgs, settings, categories, extra, name, mkNvimPlugin, ... }@packageDef: {
  lspsAndRuntimeDeps = {
    general = with pkgs; [ ];
  startupPlugins = {
    general = with pkgs.vimPlugins; [ ];
    some_other_name = [];
  # ...

see :h nixCats.flake.outputs.categories

packageDefinitions (AttrsOf functionTo AttrSet)

set of functions that each represent the settings and included categories for a package.

Among other info, things declared in settings, categories, and extra will be available in lua.

  nvim = { pkgs, mkNvimPlugin, ... }: {
    settings = {};
    categories = {
      general = true;
      some_other_name = true;
    extra = {};

see :h nixCats.flake.outputs.packageDefinitions

see :h nixCats.flake.outputs.settings

name (string)

name of the package to build from packageDefinitions


When using override, all values shown above will be top level attributes of prev, none will be nested.

i.e. finalPackage.override (prev: { inherit (prev) dependencyOverlays; })

NOT prev.pkgsParams.dependencyOverlays or something like that


a set of templates to get you started. See the template list.


standardPluginOverlay is called with flake inputs or a set of fetched derivations.

It will extract all items named in the form plugins-foobar

and return an overlay containing those items transformed into neovim plugins.

After adding the overlay returned, you can access them using pkgs.neovimPlugins.foobar


if you had in your flake inputs

inputs = {
  plugins-foobar = {
    url = "github:exampleuser/foobar.nvim";
    flake = false;

you can put the following in your dependencyOverlays

dependencyOverlays = [ (standardPluginOverlay inputs) ];

and then



same as standardPluginOverlay except if you give it plugins-foo.bar you can pkgs.neovimPlugins.foo-bar and still packadd foo.bar


dependencyOverlays = [ (sanitizedPluginOverlay inputs) ];


if your dependencyOverlays is a list rather than a system-wrapped set, to deal with when other people (incorrectly) output an overlay wrapped in a system variable you may call this function on it.


(utils.fixSystemizedOverlay inputs.codeium.overlays
  (system: inputs.codeium.overlays.${system}.default)


takes all the arguments of the main builder function but as a single set

Instead of name it needs defaultPackageName

This will control the namespace of the generated modules as well as the default package name to be enabled if only enable = true is present.

Unlike in the baseBuilder, arguments are optional, but if you want the module to be preloaded with configured packages, they are not.

The module will be able to combine any definitions passed in with new ones defined in the module correctly.



takes all the arguments of the main builder function but as a single set

Instead of name it needs defaultPackageName

This will control the namespace of the generated modules as well as the default package name to be enabled if only enable = true is present.

Unlike in the baseBuilder, arguments are optional, but if you want the module to be preloaded with configured packages, they are not.

The module will be able to combine any definitions passed in with new ones defined in the module correctly.

The generated home manager module is the same as the nixos module

Except there are no per-user arguments, because the module installs for the home manager user



see :h nixCats.flake.outputs.utils.n2l

you can use this to make values in the tables generated for the nixCats plugin using lua literals.

cache_location = utils.n2l.types.inline-safe.mk "vim.fn.stdpath('cache')",


see h: nixCats.flake.outputs.utils.n2l

This is an alias for utils.n2l.types.inline-safe.mk


flake-utils.lib.eachSystem but without the flake input

Builds a map from <attr> = value to <attr>.<system> = value for each system



in case someone didn’t know that genAttrs is great for dealing with the system variable, this is literally just nixpkgs.lib.genAttrs



Returns a merged definition from a list of definitions.

Works with both categoryDefinitions and individual packageDefinitions

If “replace” is chosen, it updates anything it finds that isn’t another set (with head being “older” and tail being “newer”)

If “merge” is chosen, if it encounters a list in both functions, (usually representing a category) it will merge them together rather than replacing the old one with the new one.

This means it works slightly differently for environment variables because each one will be updated individually rather than at a category level.



alias for utils.mergeDefs "replace" [ oldCats newCats ] Works with both categoryDefinitions and individual packageDefinitions



alias for utils.mergeDefs "merge" [ oldCats newCats ] Works with both categoryDefinitions and individual packageDefinitions



recursiveUpdate each overlay output to avoid issues where two overlays output a set of the same name when importing from other nixCats. Merges everything into 1 overlay

If you have 2 overlays both outputting a set like pkgs.neovimPlugins, The second will replace the first.

This will merge the results instead.

Returns a SINGLE overlay



equivalent to utils.mergeOverlays (oldOverlist ++ newOverlist)

returns a SINGLE overlay



Simple helper function for mergeOverlayLists

If you know the prior dependencyOverlays is a list, you dont need this.

If dependencyOverlays is an attrset, system string is required. If dependencyOverlays is a list, system string is ignored. if invalid type or system, returns an empty list

If you passed in dependencyOverlays as a list to your builder function, it will remain a list.



dependencyOverlays = nixpkgs.lib.genAttrs nixpkgs.lib.platforms.all (system: [
  (utils.mergeOverlayLists # <-- merging 2 lists requires both to be a list
    # safeOversList checks if dependencyOverlays is a list or a set
    (utils.safeOversList { inherit system; inherit (prev) dependencyOverlays; })
    [ # <- and then we add our new list
      (utils.standardPluginOverlay inputs)
      # any other flake overlays here.


makes a default package and then one for each name in packageDefinitions

for constructing flake outputs.



mkPackages but without adding a default package, or the final defaultName argument



like mkPackages but easier.

Pass it a package and it will make that the default, and build all the packages in the packageDefinitions that package was built with.



like mkExtraPackages but easier.

Pass it a package and it will build all the packages in the packageDefinitions that package was built with.



makes a set of overlays from your definitions for exporting from a flake.

defaultName is the package name for the default overlay



makes a set of overlays from your definitions for exporting from a flake.

Differs from makeOverlays in that the default overlay is a set of all the packages

default overlay yeilds pkgs.${defaultName}.${packageName} with all the packages



makes a set of overlays from your definitions for exporting from a flake.

overlay yeilds pkgs.${importName}.${packageName}

contains all the packages named in namesIncList (the last argument)



makeMultiOverlay except it takes only 2 arguments.



easyMultiOverlayNamespaced self.packages.x86_64-linux.${packageName} packageName
# The `system` chosen DOES NOT MATTER.
# The overlay utilizes override to change it to match `prev.system`


makes a single overlay with all the packages in packageDefinitions from the package as pkgs.${packageName}



easyMultiOverlay self.packages.x86_64-linux.${packageName}
# The `system` chosen DOES NOT MATTER.
# The overlay utilizes override to change it to match `prev.system`


makes a separate overlay for each of the packages in packageDefinitions from the package as pkgs.${packageName}



easyMultiOverlay self.packages.x86_64-linux.${packageName}
# The `system` chosen DOES NOT MATTER.
# The overlay utilizes override to change it to match `prev.system`